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Birth Announcements

L&D Pics

Click Here to see pictures from my Labor and Delivery and a few of her first day home!

Baby Aislyn has arrived!!!

Hello Guys!

I was hoping to give you guys a few more updates through out my labor but with people coming in and out and everything going on I just didnt get the time!

Well...She made her arrival this morning (July 14th) at 3:10 am weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and 19 3/4" in Length. She scored a 9/10 on her APGAR. The nurse said that the nursery always laughs at her when she gives a 9/10 but my baby deserved it.

She came out pink and ready to look around! I was shocked at how pink she was...not really any purple or blue.

**So here's the story!!!

Sunday night - early monday morning...about 1:30 am when my DH and I decided to go to bed I started having some pretty strong cramps but didnt think much of it since I had been having them all week and after the 3rd or 4th one they were done!! Just a tease!

Well I went to sleep and slept most of the night except for some potty calls....Well I woke up about 9:30 monday morning and laid in bed with my DH waiting for my DS to come and let us know that it was time to get out of bed...

When I finally got up about 10:30 and went potty and noticed some pink discharge and more contractions....I called my doctor and she said to keep an eye on my contractions and that if anything happens come in but for the time being to just keep my 3:20 appointment...

Well at about 12:30 we decided to go ahead and get out of there and head to the docs office...It would take us an hour to get there and if I wasnt in labor we were going to talk about being induced...Well...

When I get to the doctors office I had gone from being 1cm to 2 cm and 50% effaced....she sent me to the hosptial!!

We got to the hosptial and did 2 40 minute walks and got me to a 3. They decided within the next hour to get me the epidural and to break my water....this was around 7:45...When they gave me the epidural my bp dropped to 60/40 so they had to give me some ephedrine (sp?) to get it back up and it worked great! Baby Aislyn never even missed a beat!

It took me a while to get over 4 cm...felt like I stayed there forever...so they upped my patocin and I got to 7 cm within 2 1/2 hours of that...Then about 1 1/2 hours later they checked me and I was ready!

I gave about 6 good pushes and she was out! It was so easy and so perfect!

New Creations...

Here are a few things that I made for Ais this weekend...I also made a hat for Danyion too...I'll have to get pics of that one up here soon!

Since her Daddy LOVES lemons...and they can be bad for your teeth, especially the amount that he'd want to eat...I made Ais a lemon hat so that her daddy can have all the lemon he wants!!

And I think this one is SUPER cute!!!

uhh...39 weeks!

Yup...today is 39 weeks and still no baby...I know that I still have a week to go till my due date but I was hoping she'd be here by now...That's my own selfishness coming out and all but i want to see her!

This weekend we had a few pretty hard contractions but nothing else after that...Trey is ready to jump and run at any second! haha...every time I say ooooohhhh....oweee...He's ready to jump and run! It's super cute!

Well..We have a doctors appointment today so we'll see how things go! Hopefully good!!! :-) Fingers Crossed...

11 Days till my Due Date!!!

Well....nothing yet..

I wish she'd just hurry...Mommy is getting impatient and is very very uncomfortable..I'm glad to have a long weekend this week...and next Thursday is my last day at work for a while...then maternity leave starts! YAY!

I'd really love her to just hurry up and come...but when I stop and think about it...I have SOOO much stuff to do that it's just insane! Honestly I dont think anyone is ever really 100% prepared for something like this but it's nice to believe I am..haha.

At our last doctors appointment I hadnt had any progress but she decided to give my cervix a little encouragement and part of my mucous plug came out...poor trey...I think he's going to be scared for life! He wasnt too sure about all that! haha!

Well...if anything we only have 11 days till my due date and she wont let me go past 41 weeks so that's 18 days at the most that we will have to wait! Fingers crossed that it comes sooner than that!!!

**38 Weeks**

Well...We only have at the most 2 weeks left...but I would love her NOW! haha...I know once she gets here we'll be like PUT IT BACK....haha!!!

I heard my 1st trip to L&D for 'false labor'....not really false but its not happening!! I was having contractions...pretty regular and painful ones...but I wasnt contracting any so they sent me home. So I guess it's time to walk our little hearts out! I am trying to get her out...I am so ready to see her! Well hopefully we'll be able to announce little Aislyn Grace's arrival soon!

*37 Weeks 5 Days*

Well...although the eggplant parmesan was REALLY good...it didnt do much for pushing labor over the edge!

Well Dani had her baby early Friday morning...We stayed there till 3 am Friday morning and I just couldnt stay any longer so we headed home. She wouldn't dilate past a 6 by 6am so they decided to go for a c-section! Baby Carson Dean arrived at 7 lbs 15 oz, happy and healthy! Dani is doing good...really tired, but good!

We're still waiting for our little bundle of joy to decide she's ready! Hopefully soon! I've been having a lot more contractions...nothing constant or too strong so hopefully we're making progress! On my appointment Tuesday if I have made progress since my last appointment she'll most likely talk to us about inducing!! Lets all keep our fingers crossed!!!

37 Week Appointment

Well..My 37 week appointment ended up coming 2 days early! Monday I had a bad migraine and felt horrible...Then Tuesday at work we had a gas leak cuz some morons decided to dig in front of our building to put in a flag pole...before they called the gas company to see if it was ok to dig there!

My building was evacuated and it was sooo HOT outside and the smell of the gas just made me feel sick. They moved me into another building so that I wasnt out there in the heat and gas...Well as soon as I got back to my desk I called my doctor to ask her if there was anything that I needed to be worried about being in a building that was just filled with gas and even though we had the all clear...it still smelled and I'm sure there was still gas in the building...and I hadnt felt the baby move since early that morning...and I was worried.

She told me to eat lunch and see what happens and if I still wanted to come in that I was more than welcomed...Well I ate and drank a soda and waited 30 minutes and still wasnt satisfied with the lack of movement! Trey and Danyion came and picked me up at work and we went to the Doctor's office. She gave me a NST (No Stress Test) and during the test she came in and told me I was having some mild contractions....So she decided to check my cervix. In the past week I had dilated to 1 cm and started to efface...she didnt tell me how much though. She also said that her head is REALLY low!

I'm super excited to have progressed some...even though I know it doesnt mean MUCH...at least it's something and that makes me excited!!!


Well...37 weeks down...3 to go.
When I stop and think about the last 9 months it has seemed to go by sooo fast...now these last 3 weeks are dragging by so slowly! I wish they would just hurry! Trey and I are both getting impatient and are so ready for her to be here.
I am so tired of being sore and tired all the time. I have been so irritable and my emotions have taken control of me. I seem to be getting some bad migraines these past few weeks...it sucks. No matter how much of my prescription meds I take they just don't go away!
I'm trying to be strong and get through these but it seems like its dragging me down! I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore!

**36 Weeks 4 Days***

Well...Today really sucked...But it's nice to know that it's the last friday I have to work until I go on maternity leave...YES!!

Work Sucked...Im sore...tired and ready to relax! So this is going to be short and sweet! Time to watch a movie with Trey and enjoy my afternoon! :-)


Well today was pretty busy!

I had so much to do at work...busted my butt and still didnt get through everything! I guess the next few weeks are going to be crazy before my maternity leave.

I went and got things for Trey for Father's day...and of course he talked me into giving it to him early because I got my mother's day stuff early...So I did some shopping after work and went to HEB and got some groceries...

When I got home Danyion and I spent a while in his room getting everything together. I got some blank ceramic coffee mugs and Danyion used a special marker to decorate one for him. It turned out super cute and Trey loved it of course! I made him a set of shirts for all of us that say "Team Wilson" on the back and have a number....He loved it! haha! I also made him a shirt that said "The Best Dad" and has a little boy and baby girl on it and has the kids names under it! I am hoping to get some jerseys made that have the "Team Wilson" on them so that we can wear them when we go out and play baseball or something...for now they are just for pictures after Ais is born. I had to get white because it was the only color they had in all of our sizes.


Well....We just got home from our 36 week appointment...pretty much the same as the last few. She did my Group B Strep test...Hopefully I'm all good...I don't remember ever having one with Danyion and he seems fine...on most occasions! haha!

She did check me...no progress...Still closed up as tight as Fort Knox! Nothing is coming in or going out! While I was getting undressed I told Trey to keep his fingers crossed that we had some sort of action happening down there...but nothing! I told him that he wasn't concentrating! haha...Of course..gotta blame the man!

I asked her if she was going to do an ultrasound to determine her size. She said that she is fairly confident that we do not have to worry about her being too big. She said that she even doubts that she is 6 lbs yet. She said it's possible she wont even weigh 7 lbs at birth...she is pretty small! But a healthy small!! Danyion was only 6 lbs 14 1/2 oz....she said she's pretty much going to be about the same size!

The one eventful thing was watching Trey hunt down the huge Q-Tips they keep in the rooms...He had to bring one home to Nyx...It was pretty funny that out of everything in the room he takes a giant Q-Tip! Nyx was sure happy about it though. Crazy cat! For some strange reason he just loves Q-Tips...

Well...that's it for now...I'm going to watch some TV and sit my big butt on the couch!

The Hosptial Tour **36w1d**

Yesterday we went to the hospital tour...The hospital is very beautiful and certainly a step up from where I had my son! Everything seems so comfortable and they have great systems in place to protect me and my baby, The nursing staff is really nice and seems very knowledgeable!

Well everything was fine and dandy until we got into the labor and delivery room!! This isn't my first but walking into that room and seeing the delivery bed and everything my heart started racing and I started feeling like I was going to have an anxiety attack! I don't know why...like I said, I've already had 1 but it all just kinda hit me at once that this is going to happen here soon! The bed kinda slapped me in the face...made me feel like a torture device! haha!

I'm so ready to have her...but just not sure about the pain! haha...I'm kinda woosie when it comes to pain!

I also found out this morning that a good friend of mine from back in Washington State is preggers! Yay for her and her man! I'm glad that she is happy!

** 36 weeks **

And so the countdown has begun! 4 Weeks left! Although I have been waiting and waiting I feel that the closer the day gets...the more I have left to do...Just when I feel like I'm ready something else pops up that needs to be done! It's such a madhouse! I hope she arrives soon...but I hope she gives me time to finish everything that needs to be done before then! I know her daddy and her brother are so ready for her to be here. I think they are more impatient about her arrival than I am...and they aren't even carrying her! Well...As for now everything seems to be good...swelling has gone down, just some pressure on my hips and some slight cramping...common contractions! Bring it on...I'm ready for ya! haha! We have the hospital tour tonight so hopefully that goes good and Trey relaxes just a little bit! I'll let you know how that went later on!

Maternity Photoshoot!


Nursery Pictures!