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Baby Aislyn has arrived!!!

Hello Guys!

I was hoping to give you guys a few more updates through out my labor but with people coming in and out and everything going on I just didnt get the time!

Well...She made her arrival this morning (July 14th) at 3:10 am weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and 19 3/4" in Length. She scored a 9/10 on her APGAR. The nurse said that the nursery always laughs at her when she gives a 9/10 but my baby deserved it.

She came out pink and ready to look around! I was shocked at how pink she was...not really any purple or blue.

**So here's the story!!!

Sunday night - early monday morning...about 1:30 am when my DH and I decided to go to bed I started having some pretty strong cramps but didnt think much of it since I had been having them all week and after the 3rd or 4th one they were done!! Just a tease!

Well I went to sleep and slept most of the night except for some potty calls....Well I woke up about 9:30 monday morning and laid in bed with my DH waiting for my DS to come and let us know that it was time to get out of bed...

When I finally got up about 10:30 and went potty and noticed some pink discharge and more contractions....I called my doctor and she said to keep an eye on my contractions and that if anything happens come in but for the time being to just keep my 3:20 appointment...

Well at about 12:30 we decided to go ahead and get out of there and head to the docs office...It would take us an hour to get there and if I wasnt in labor we were going to talk about being induced...Well...

When I get to the doctors office I had gone from being 1cm to 2 cm and 50% effaced....she sent me to the hosptial!!

We got to the hosptial and did 2 40 minute walks and got me to a 3. They decided within the next hour to get me the epidural and to break my water....this was around 7:45...When they gave me the epidural my bp dropped to 60/40 so they had to give me some ephedrine (sp?) to get it back up and it worked great! Baby Aislyn never even missed a beat!

It took me a while to get over 4 cm...felt like I stayed there forever...so they upped my patocin and I got to 7 cm within 2 1/2 hours of that...Then about 1 1/2 hours later they checked me and I was ready!

I gave about 6 good pushes and she was out! It was so easy and so perfect!


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